【世界最大のHRテクノロジーカンファレンス HR Technology Conference & Expo提携記事】 Vol.58 人事部の業務改善を通じて従業員体験を向上させるには

Marcus Buckingham | October 5, 2021

How to maximize the power of excellent HR service quality

Adam needed to update his benefits to include his new partner. He emailed his designated HR contact, who directed him to a call center that would take care of it. Two hours later, he is still on hold.

Sandra needed to understand how long her maternity leave would be and what percentage of her pay she would be making during it. She found a number on her organization’s self-service portal, but the person she called didn’t know the laws for her specific state. She left the call feeling more confused than when she started.

Joseph noticed his co-worker blatantly abusing their industry’s anti-bribery laws. He goes online to file a complaint but is worried he’s done it incorrectly.

It’s Meredith’s first day and her computer won’t start. She doesn’t even know who her HR contact is. In the immortal words of the Ghostbusters theme song, “Who you gonna call?”

No, you are not in a nightmare and no, you are not about to realize that you came to class naked and unprepared for the pop quiz. These are just a few of the emotionally fraught situations for which employees seek out human resources—for guidance, reassurance and knowledge. None of those experiences went well for any of the people involved. None left the employees feeling seen, heard and understood. But what could those experiences be like if they went well? How long would Adam stay at his company, knowing he and his family had reliable healthcare? Would Sandra look for a new job during her maternity leave? Without fear of retaliation, does Joseph’s complaint affect his performance? And what will Meredith tell her friends and family about her new company … assuming she ever gets her computer to start?



グラマシー エンゲージメント グループ株式会社 代表取締役 ブライアン シャーマン


米国ニューヨーク州出身、米国Williams College卒業
2007年にSHRM、Senior Professional Human Resources (SPHR)資格取得、早稲田大学トランスナショナルHRM研究所 招聘研究員

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