【世界最大のHRテクノロジーカンファレンス HR Technology Conference & Expo提携記事】 Vol.52 バーチャルリアリティを研修に活用したウォルマートの事例

Kathryn Mayer | July 2, 2021

Walmart’s solution to teaching workers kindness: virtual reality

It’s no secret that the past year has been a balancing act of emotions. COVID-19, a contentious election and civil unrest have made empathy and hard discussions imperative, often while emotions and polarization are running high. It also has been a difficult year for employees who work at brick-and-mortar locations like Walmart and interact with customers—whether those conversations are good or bad.

“With the pandemic, you think, how do workers engage with and interact with customers? You think about empathy; do all of our associates take time to think about how [the pandemic has]impacted our customers? How do they deal with difficult conversations that could occur?” Heather Durtschi, senior director of learning, content design and development at Walmart, said last week during an HRE webinar.

To help its workers have hard conversations, Walmart has relied on virtual reality training that enables employees to prepare for these incidents and practice kindness during stressful and challenging times.


グラマシー エンゲージメント グループ株式会社 代表取締役 ブライアン シャーマン


米国ニューヨーク州出身、米国Williams College卒業
2007年にSHRM、Senior Professional Human Resources (SPHR)資格取得、早稲田大学トランスナショナルHRM研究所 招聘研究員

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