【世界最大のHRテクノロジーカンファレンス HR Technology Conference & Expo提携記事】 Vol.46 スティーブ・ボーズ:ゴールドマン・サックスの騒動で見えてきたHRテックの格差

Steve Boese | March 26, 2021

Boese: The Goldman Sachs mess reveals gaps in HR tech

You likely have seen the recent news about a group of first-year associates at the investment bank Goldman Sachs that circulated a rogue employee pulse survey among themselves and then shared the (not-so-positive) results with management. Among the findings, these junior associates reported working an average of 98 hours per week since the beginning of the year and sleeping an average of only five hours per night. All survey respondents also stated that their work hours had hurt their relationships with family and friends.

Reaction to this news from one of the largest, most successful and well-known financial services companies in the world seemed to diverge to two extremes. On one side were those with little, if any, sympathy for the employees. After all, the arguments went, they are well-paid professionals (some reports show their average compensation at about $125,000 annually), and the company culture at Goldman Sachs—and most firms of its kind—is understood from the outset.

On the other side were those who were more sympathetic toward the staffers, noting that working nearly 100 hours per week is inhumane, sleeping only five hours per night is unhealthy and, when you consider the hours being worked, the compensation isn’t all that high. It amounts to about $51,000 a year based on the hourly equivalent rate applied to a standard 40-hour workweek. Still a decent salary, but certainly not excessive.

Regardless of your opinion on this specific situation, the story pushed work/life balance back to the front page once again.



グラマシー エンゲージメント グループ株式会社 代表取締役 ブライアン シャーマン


米国ニューヨーク州出身、米国Williams College卒業
2007年にSHRM、Senior Professional Human Resources (SPHR)資格取得、早稲田大学トランスナショナルHRM研究所 招聘研究員

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