【世界最大のHRテクノロジーカンファレンス HR Technology Conference & Expo提携記事】 Vol.37 ジョン・サムサー氏:データがもたらすバイアスへの取り組み

John Sumser | November 16, 2020

Sumser: Tackling the bias in your data

The moment you decide to measure something, you introduce bias into your data. The very fact that there is a number to manipulate is an indication that bias is present. Choosing to measure and monitor one thing always means choosing not to measure and monitor something else.

How Measuring Introduces Bias

In other words, all data requires context. If you just measure your feet and don’t measure your ankles or calves, your boots won’t fit as well. But, it’s nearly impossible to completely measure your lower leg and turn it into a boot. So, you measure select parts of your leg when you buy custom boots.

You choose not to measure some things for efficiency, their relevance to the immediate task, affordability or because of their complexity. Those decisions inherently introduce bias in your data.

The basic bias is what you think is important. We measure the things we want to understand and rarely measure anything else. In this way, our management systems resemble our nervous systems. The difference is that our unconscious processes handle the entire volume. Management schemes barely scrape the surface.

See also: Steps to avoid bias in a post-COVID-19 remote world

Our sensory systems take in vast volumes of information, but our conscious minds are only able to consume a tiny fraction. Our ability to pay attention is limited to four or five simultaneous objects, usually fewer.



グラマシー エンゲージメント グループ株式会社 代表取締役 ブライアン シャーマン


米国ニューヨーク州出身、米国Williams College卒業
2007年にSHRM、Senior Professional Human Resources (SPHR)資格取得、早稲田大学トランスナショナルHRM研究所 招聘研究員

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